Ignite Dance Company
Professional dance company in Dallas-Fort Worth
About Ignite
Ignite dance company offers a 9-month training program for first and second-year members. During this time, you will receive various technique classes, worship opportunities, worship classes, discipleship, and learning how to develop community.
We meet Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm.
Taking our passion and equipping movers with excellence through a heart of worship, knowledge, and zeal.
Commissioning movers to bring revival to different streams of impact such as the local church, the entertainment industry, and the nations.
Empowering movers to operate in unity and expression with the vision to inspire. Say something more here.

Ignite Stories
Audition for Ignite
Application fee - $25 one time fee
Commitment fee -$50 one time fee
$2,925 tuition fee.
Monthly payment options
$50 deposit to secure spot
$300 costume fee
Travel expenses to Power & Love conferences 3-4 a year. Airfare and hotel expenses.
Invite Ignite
Invite Ignite Dance Company to be a part of your next event.
Ignite Dance Company
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